Sunday, June 6, 2010


Goodbye Estonia, Hello Latvia! We have conquered one country and have two to go! Today we said goodbye to our dorm at the Tallinn University around 11:00 and got to travel to Latvia in a Mercedes bus that was quite comfortable. Everyone relaxed and caught up on sleep from the late night on our four-hour bus ride. When we arrived at our hotel in Riga, we were all very impressed with how nice it looked from the outside. The rooms however are not as spacious as the dorm rooms, but they are still comfortable. We met with our tour guide for Riga, Agnese, and she showed us around the city. We quickly found that our hotel is right in the middle of the city and takes little time to walk anywhere. Dinner was the next order of business, and we decided to eat at an Asian restaurant called Dada. It was a stir-fry place where you get to pick your meat, vegetables, and sauce. After dinner the girls toured the 5-story mall, which took a very long time to explore! We had a great first day in RIga and are so excited to see what this week holds!


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