Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The end is near.... : (

Today we had a full day of exploring, and we got our full share of interesting sights!

We started off in a city about 30 minutes away from Vilnius called Trakai, where we got to walk around a neat old castle. Our tour guide was fantastic; She was a historian and definitely knew her stuff!!

Next we went to hear a lecture at the Faculty of Economics. We had heard about the Lithuanian economy on other economic visits, but it was nice to hear from them exactly how they handled the economic crisis. All the Baltic countries are compared to each other and usually grouped together, but after traveling to all three their differences are obvious. They like to have their independence from one another, as well.

Next the group went to a KGB Museum in Vilnius that is actually located inside an old KGB prison/office. It was definitely creepy being in an actual building where horrible events occurred, but we all enjoyed learning about Lithuania during Soviet control.

Next a bunch of us stopped at the "Pizza & Coffee" shop across from our hostel. Delicious and large... really large. The slices were basically the size of our heads!

Tomorrow we have our last company visit, and it is even some student's (those staying in Prague friday night) last full day!! We are sad it is coming to a close, but it has definitely been a fantastic experience.


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