Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hello! The Auburn Central and Eastern European Study group finished boot camp today! Although it wasn’t awful I think we are all happy to be finished and free for a week.  

The class started last Thursday and met every weekday from nine to five with a lunch break.  It has been an intense week of lectures, simulations, papers, and a final. Yes, it was a long day for all of us, but Dr. Shook made it bearable with his YouTube videos, and amusing stories.  
   I believe one of the highlights of the week was going on a company visit to Kia, an automobile plant.
The 2010 group at the Kia Plant              

  We watched a video of the company and then went on a golf-cart tour of the plant.  It was amazing to watch robots making cars.  The assembly line for their product, the Sorento that is seen in the picture, was extremely efficient. I think this visit was definitely helpful for the group in having a better understanding for what we are to expect while overseas. 
             We have gotten to know each other better and are really excited to be leaving for Europe next week!! (ahhhh! mild panic this is actually happening.)  Most of us this week will continue to prepare for our three week long journey, and we will be jet setting our way to Estonia, on May 29th.  I think we are all in for some fun times and adventure.  I'm positive this blog will definitely have some entertaining moments as well as the opportunity to learn about Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.   

Mary-Elsye Winchester 

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